Harimoto Innerforce Super ZLC review with Dignics 09c & Dignics 80 / 张本智和超级zlc 搭配D09c 和D80评测4/23/2020 Set up Forehand: D09c 2.1mm Backhand: D80 2.1mm Appearance
Performance Control: The blade is bouncy, to give very good speed, but it has very good feeling of control because of a few reasons. First, the feeling on contacting the ball is very stable because of the super ZLC. The sweet spot is big, even I hit near the edge, it still feels secure. The Super ZLC provides a very stable feeling, it helps in all aspects of the game, from short touches to far table, you feel the blade will react in a stable manner and it is strong and solid. Second, the limba surface provides a very good and soft feeling on touches. It provides clear and crisp feedback when you touch the ball. You are able to feel the spin and the contact of the ball more than using Viscaria. The limba has a similar feeling as on Harimoto ALC, Ma long 5 and Super Mizutani in terms of the surface. They have a good sense of control, nice softness and good grip of the ball from the Limba. Third, although the blade is fast and stiff, being an inner carbon structure, it still has a sense of softness on the surface, and you have more depth for the ball to sink in. This provides more control feeling than Super Mizutani. Also in small power, it is a softer bounce than Super Zhang Jike and Super Mizutani, and you have more wood feeling on its surface. However, being 6.2mm thick, with super zlc, the blade is still quite bouncy, I would recommend using less bouncy rubbers. But the blade itself has all the properties a blade needs to provide a very good sense of control, you just need to match the right rubber that suits you on this blade 控制 虽然超本速度快,弹性好,但它的控制感很好。首先,超级zlc 提供的感觉很稳定,甜区增大,就算打到甜区外仍然感觉很安全。无论是小球还是发力拉打,你都感觉的底板的回馈和反应是扎实和稳定的,令到你击球时很有信心。第二,淋巴面材提供柔和,清晰手感。比Viscaria 手感柔软,更能感受到与球的接触。淋巴的持球感也更优秀。第三,内置碳素的结构,使原本较硬的底板在表层有了更舒适的手感和更长的持球时间。但超本还是挺弹的板,可以在配胶上适当选择慢一点的胶。 ![]() Speed The speed of this blade is very fast and bouncy, more bouncy than Viscaria. It is a bit less bouncy than Super Zhang Jike, and being inner carbon, it processes a softer feeling. In attack, this speed is definitely fast and enough to finish the point. But because of the limba surface and inner carbon sturcutre, It is not as explosive or fast as the Super Zhang Jike. The bounce and speed comes from inside the core when you hit through the surface. In defence, the good bounce and speed, plus the feeling of the limba, help you a lot, it’s very easy to block. It creates deep arc and good speed. 速度 超本的速度是挺快和挺弹的。比Viscaria 蝴蝶王快和弹,但比超级张继科稍微慢一点点。这个速度在攻球或防守上都很好用。进攻时能一板解决对手,但不失控制感,球质也较重。防守时,像自动挡一样,放在那里就能借力防回去,弧线和速度都很适中。 Spin Thanks to the limba surface, the inner carbon structure and the super zlc, It is easy to generate spin with this blade. The quality and soft limba is just so friendly in gripping the ball, more than with koto surface on Super Zhang Jike. And being an inner carbon structure, the thicker wood surface allows the ball to sink into the blade more. Thus, it is easier to brush the ball. Also, I wouldn’t say super zlc is softer or harder than the alc, because it feels softer in touches, but has more crispy support in big power strokes. So I would say the super zlc feels like its a more refined carbon. It gives a sense of softness and refine for you to brush the ball. But the bend of the whole blade is not as much as you would find from Stiga Dynasty Carbon. That means super harimoto is stiffer, it is not as flexible as Dynasty Carbon. I find that this is common on many of the popular Butterfly blades players choose to use in the top level. They probably value the solid stiffness over flexibility to provide strong support, and then relying more on the rubbers and the partial bend of the blade to create spin. However, the blade is able to still generate a lot of spin in close table and in far table. 旋转 由于淋巴面材,内置碳素结构和超级纤维的关系,使得这个底板很好制造旋转。淋巴面材对持球和制造摩擦非常友好。比viscaria 和超级张继科的Koto 面材更友好。另外,在内置碳素结构下,表面两层的木层更为柔软,能吃球更深,更好制造摩擦。超级zlc 也是具有良好的旋转制造能力。虽然超级ZLC 大力量下感觉是比较硬韧,但它的感觉却比ALC更为细腻柔和,感觉更容易制造摩擦。但底板主要是局部变形来制造旋转,整体变形不如Stiga Dynasty Carbon. 但超本的旋转无论近台还是远台还是很强烈的。 Power Speaking of strong support from the super zlc, plus the the bigger head and the 6.2mm thickness, this blade has plenty of power. Far away from the table, you can trust the blade to deliver powerful loop drive. However, Unlike on Super ZJK, which you feel explosiveness when you hit on the surface. With Super Harimoto, you feel this power comes from deep inside of the blade. Also, the feel of power is different than Dynasty Carbon. The power of Super Harimoto is from the strong and quality materials used in the blade. The power of Dynasty Carbon is coming from the flexibility of the materials of the blade. 力量 超本的力量在超级纤维,加厚设计和加大板面的设计下,拥有充沛的力量。远台时,你能够很放心,底板的底劲有足够的支撑。但底劲的感觉与超级张继科有所不同。超级张继科更多是面材的支撑能使出球更暴力和更有爆炸力。超本的力量感来自底板内,而不是表层。与Stiga Dynasty carbon 相比,超本感觉比较硬挺,而Dynasty感觉变形更大,更有喷射的感觉。 Overall Conclusion
Overall, super Harimoto is a very balanced all rounded attacking blade that excels in all areas of the game, no obvious short coming. It is very controllable because of the limba surface, the inner carbon structure, and the Super ZLC. But the blade is still quite bouncy and fast, a slower rubber would help to reduce the bounciness if needed. The D09c I have on forehand would feel a bit too bouncy at times. D80 on backhand has been very good. Speed wise, it is good and suitable. In attacking, you can create quality shot to finish the game. And in defending game, it is very comfortable and easy to block it over with suitable speed and arc. The blade has a lot of spin. It is easy to generate spin with the soft limba surface and the inner carbon structure. The brushes feels comfortable and soft. Inner carbon structure allow the balls to sink in more before hitting the stiff Super ZLC. However, there isn’t as much flexibility as Stiga Dynasty Carbon. The blade has abundant power and support and powerful loop drives would have very high quality. The Super ZLC provides a lots of support in far table rallies. But Butterfly blades usually has less flexibility, so the feeling of ejecting the ball from the blade is less than it would be if using Dynasty Carbon. The only downside of this blade is the weight. Because of its thicker design and bigger head, the whole racket will weight more than usual, after putting rubbers on. And your fingers feel harder to insert power because of the thickness. However, you will get use to it after a few days. Despite many players like a 90g blade, I would recommend going down to 86g-88g if possible, unless you don't mind the weight. 总结 总的来说,超本是一块非常平衡,各方面性能都非常好的底板,没有明显缺陷。底板因为淋巴面材,内置碳素结构,和超级zlc,非常好控。但底板还是挺有速度和弹性的,若是感觉太弹可以配稍微慢一点的胶。我配的正手D09c小球有时候会感觉有点弹,反手D80 很好。速度无论在进攻和防守都很适合。进攻时具有一板结束的能力,防守时能轻松借力,控制速度和弧线。旋转通过柔和的淋巴面材和内置的结构,磨擦感很舒适,旋转很强。但底板以局部变形为主,整体变形不如Stiga Dyansty Carbon 那么多。力量和支撑非常足够,一板爆冲球质很高,球质甚至有点晃。远台超级zlc 给对拉的支撑硬挺,底劲很足。但由于蝴蝶底板的风格一向整体变形不大,喷射感少了一点。超本这款底板唯一要注意的是重量。由于加厚和加大的板面,底板尽管平均90克,但贴上的胶皮后会比小板面的底板更重。其加厚的设计,大拇指和食指在板面上感觉比平时更难发力。但习惯就好了。底板建议挑选86-88克较为合适。
On April 1st, 2020, Butterfly released a very significant rubber on their line up, the Dignics 09c. With the Dignics Spring Sponge X, Butterfly engineered a sticky topsheet to combat the famous forehand rubber from DHS, Hurricane 3. Hurricane 3 is known for its ability to generate a lot of spin and widely used among Chinese national team players. However, the draw back is that the sponge has always been dull, slow, and not very bouncy. For many years, the solution is to boost the sponge, but it is troublesome for many players that they have to boost it regularly after a few months or so. Today we are going to compare the two rubbers, see if Butterfly has created something better and how they perform for forehand. 我们对比一下D09c 与罐油后的39度省狂橙海绵。看看蝴蝶公司是否制造出了一款超越了狂飙的正手套胶。 Weight D09c: 74g uncut, and 50g cut. 74g uncut is on the heavier side among other rubbers. It is similar to some powerful rubber like XIOM Omega 7 Tour, Tibhar MX-p and Tenergy 05 Hard. Heavier than Tenergy 05 and Dignics 05. Hurricane 3 Provincial Orange sponge boosted: 49g cut. In play test, we feel D09c is noticeably heavier than this Hurricane. You will feel gravity is pulling your racket downward, making the set up feels unbalanced when using it on backhand. However, when you put D09c on forehand, the weight feels more balanced, since your forehand is able to handle more weight. 重量 D09c: 未剪74克,剪后50克。与Tenergy 05 硬, 挺拔MX-p 重量类似。 狂飙: 剪后49克。 要是正手胶皮较轻,而把较重的D09c 放在反手的话,使用反手时感觉重量有点沉。要是把D09c 用在正手,重量就平衡多了。 ![]() Surface D09c: the surface has a frosted feeling. The dark colour and texture of the rubber feels very premium. Stickiness is there but less sticky than the Hurricane. Hurricane: the surface has a rubber feel instead of a frosted feel. It is more sticky than the D09c, Being able to pick up the ball with its stickiness, while D09c can't. 胶面 D09c 的表面是磨砂的感觉,质感感觉好,带有黏性,没有狂飙那么黏。 狂飙比较黏,能把球粘起来。 Sponge In this case, the Hurricane has one layer of booster, it feels softer than the D09c sponge. The bounciness of the two are similar. With Hurricane, the bounce feels softer due to the booster. D09c sponge bounces with a harder feel. Although it feels more like a harder sponge, unlike a Tenergy kind of bounce, it is still very easy, friendly and solid to use opponents' power to bounce the ball back. 海绵 这里使用罐了一次油的狂飙比D09c 更软一点点。弹性两款相当,狂飙弹性柔软一点,D09c 弹性的感觉较为硬一点。两款弹性都足够,非常扎实,不虚弹。D09c 的弹性更好借力, 狂飙相对自身需要发力多一点。 Play Test Serve the Hurricane here is softer on the surface after being boosted, so I found it easier to spin, and the clicking feel provides a clear feedback. The D09c also feels clear and a touch harder at contact point. It is easier to control the height and placement with Hurricane. At times, it would be harder to keep the serve low with D09c. On the flip side, the ball jumps faster when serving long with D09c. However, both of them can generate lots of spin and provide a very grippy feel when brushing the ball. They both have very good control, and it is easy to serve two bounces still inside table. You can rely on them to create spinny serves at crucial points. 发球 狂飙发球更好控制,弹力较小更好控制不冒高。D09c 也很好控制,但由于海绵底劲较大,相对较容易冒高。但适应一段时间后就能很好地控制。D09c 发长球速度容易加速度。总的来说,两款套胶都是非常好控制的。发球能够轻松控制不出台。在关键分上,可以加转发球直接得分。 Short pushes and forehand flicks The boosted hurricane provide clicking feel and it is very easy to control. You can securely push low and short, or to add more spin as you like. And because of the surface being sticky and the sponge being a bit softer, it is easier to flick, to generate soft brush of top spin. It is also easier to hit through the sponge for the blade to kick in to create quality flick. For D09c, the feeling is also very clear and crisp. Very controllable in terms of pushes. But if you are used to Hurricane, you may push a little bit high at times when you engage your body weight in the push, because the power of the Spring Sponge X kicks in. However, I was able to adapt to it easily after a few minutes. When flicking, sometimes you need to pay a little bit more attention on gripping the ball fully, otherwise it may go into the net because of the harder sponge. But once I got use to it, it generates more speed, power and quality when flicking hard. D09c is able to create quite a higher quality flick when you hit through the sponge. Even the sound is quite a bit heavier than the hurricane can create. 摆短,挑打 这里弹性较小的狂飙更容易摆短,控制不冒高,和增加摩擦旋转。这里狂飙也更容易挑打,更容易打透。 D09c 手感清晰,摆短也很好控制。但由于海绵比狂飙的弹劲略大,所以当你用到身体的重心去摆短时,有时会冒高。但经过几分钟的适应后就能控制好。挑打也非常好用,有时要注意摩擦,因为海绵较硬。但适应后,挑打质量更高,速度更快。打透后D09c 的声音质量比狂飙更重。 Forehand and Loop Between the two rubbers in this case, D09c provides more speed, power and bounce than Hurricane, because of the quality of the Spring Sponge X and being less sticky on the rubber surface. At small power, the bounciness helps the ball to get over the net easier. When hitting hard, the D09c sponge also creates higher quality shot. The power, bounciness and speed are the advantages of the D09c. The arc of D09c is also higher and longer than Hurricane. The ball will jump high and propel toward your opponent's body after second bounce. The arc of Hurricane is lower and shorter, the ball jumps flatter after the second bounce. While D09c is still good in control, Hurricane is better in control. The feeling on hand is a bit more secure and stable in drive and loop. The ball stays on the rubber and the sponge for a little bit longer than it's on D09c. However, the ball propels less forward from Hurricane sponge. Therefore, although the power and speed is less, you can brush more precisely to create the arc and the placement you like with Hurricane. Especially when the ball is close to your body and you don't have time to do a full stroke, and you rely on the rubber to softly lift the ball over the net with a lot of spin. The hurricane is easier and give you a higher sense of security to do that. 正手攻球和拉球 在这两款套胶中,因为D09c海绵的质量和硬度和较小的粘性,它的力量,速度,弹性更好。小力量弹性容易借力过网。大力量时,D09c 海绵质量更高,弧线更长更高。对手感觉球更顶。 狂飙弧线更短更低,二跳比较下扎。狂飙控制更好,手感比较稳定。因为海绵较软,更加吃球。在轻挂半出台球时可以更精准地控制摩擦,弧线和落点。但总的来说,两款表现很相似,都是很优秀的高质量弧圈胶皮。 Looping against down spin Both rubbers are able to grip the ball with a lot of confidence. Up to a certain point, the softer Hurricane here feels more secured and easier to loop against a very heavy down spin ball because of the softer sponge. However, I feel that once you get used to the stiffer sponge on D09c, and brush more quickly, you will develop the same sense of security. 拉下旋球 两款胶皮都非常吃球,旋转也很强,拉下旋都很有信心。狂飙这里海绵较软,相对更容易起下旋。但习惯D09c后,也能很有数,发力后拉球质量更高。 Counter looping while both rubber feel solid, control, spinny, the D09c provides huge amount of power and more speed, Hurricane creates a safer feeling on hand. The ball propels forward and you feel a lot of power coming from inside the D09c sponge. D09c lands deep on the table and jumps to your opponent because it has a longer arc. It is relatively harder to hit through the sponge compare to the Hurricane 39 degree here. But once you do, the power and quality are higher. The Hurricane has very good control. Although it has slightly less power and speed, the power is still very good and the spin is a bit more than D09c here. 对拉上旋球 两款胶皮都感觉扎实,好控制,很转。相对来说,D09c 海绵内部提供更大的力量,质量和速度。弧线更长,二跳更顶,冲向对手。控制上只是稍微更弹,但习惯后也没有问题。狂飙的感觉就更好控制,手上停留时间较长一点,感觉更安心。但速度感降低。旋转更强,弧线二跳会出现下扎。 ![]() Summary 总结 Control In this case, both of them have very good control. In comparison, Hurricane has slightly better control than D09c. I am able to brush more precisely with Hurricane when dealing with half long ball, and it is easier to make tiny adjustments on your brush. However, both of them have very good control in all parts of the game compare to a lot of other rubbers. 控制 两款胶皮都非常好控制。相对来说,狂飙更好控制一点,手上能进行细微的调节,能更精确地摩擦制造弧线来控制落点。D09c 相对比狂飙出球快一点,所以要是习惯了狂飙的话,需要一点点时间,能很快适应。适应后两款胶皮在任何环节都很好控制。 Speed D09c is about 10% faster than Hurricane in forehand drive, which make up the lack of speed and bounce in Hurricane, resulting the ball would have a faster jump toward your opponents. The speed in Hurricane is sufficient, but not very fast. However, player who use Hurricane regularly may feel D09c is a bit too bouncy, which results in going out of the table. 速度 D09c 大概比狂飙快10%,尤其是大力量时。这正好彌补了狂飙速度和弹性不够的缺点,球在二跳时跳得更远,更顶。狂飙的速度虽然略慢,但习惯后也足够。习惯狂飙的球手可能就会觉得D09c 太弹容易出界。 Spin Due to the more sticky surface and softer sponge, Hurricane is a little bit easier to produce spin than D09c. The sponge of D09c releases the ball quicker in this case. Therefore you would need to brush a little more carefully and faster. However, both rubbers create a lot of spin in soft touches and in powerful strokes. 旋转 由于狂飙胶面更粘和海绵更软,更容易制造旋转。D09c 也制造很强的旋转,很吃球。但海绵出球比狂飙快。两款旋转都很强,大力量时质量都很高。 Power I feel D09c is more powerful than the Hurricane used here. The sound from the sponge is heavier than the Hurricane can create when hitting them hard. I think it is due to the harder sponge from D09c here. But the 39 degree boosted Hurricane is easier to hit through than D09c. It feels like D09c has a lot of power to propel the ball forward. The ball dives down earlier with Hurricane. However, both of them don't lack any power. 力量 因为海绵更硬挺,D09c 的力量更强,大力打透海绵的声音也更重。狂飙则较容易打透,力量也很好,打透后声音清脆,没有D09c 打透后的声音重。在攻球和对拉时两款都有足够力量。 ![]() Should you use D09c or Hurricane on forehand? And should you switch from non-sticky rubbers or Hurricane to D09c? I think Butterfly has done a very good job in creating this sticky rubber, and it has created something very similar to the top level Hurricane 3 (Provincial, National Blue sponge). The capability of the spring sponge x here is on bar or even better than the Chinese Blue sponge. Comparing it to the 39 degree boosted orange sponge Hurricane used here, it is stiffer. So I would say D09c is more like a 40-41 degree blue sponge from Hurricane, resulting in very high quality shot. D09c is very similar to Hurricane in many aspects in the play, but the feeling is still slightly different to a Hurricane. It still processes a sense of Butterfly rubber, while it is very "Chinese". The two rubbers share a lot of similarities and are very close in terms of feeling and performance. But at the end of the day, Hurricane is still Hurricane, D09c is still D09c. Although they are very comparable, they still process some different feel. I think here Butterfly has successfully offered a Butterfly version of Hurricane. If you are loyal to the Hurricane feeling, you should stay with Hurricane. But If you are willing to give up that Hurricane feel for a bit more speed and bounce, adapt to the Butterfly feel, and you are tired of boosting your Hurricane anymore, you can try the D09c. You will be able to get used to it easily, and it still delivers wonderful performance in all parts of the game. If you have been using non-sticky rubber, you want to change your style with sticky rubber and willing to reduce some speed. This would be perfect for you, just like how Timo Boll and Dima Ovtcharov switched to D09c. D09c offers good control, spin and power, without losing much speed. 正手应该用D09c 还是狂飙呢?应不应该从涩性胶皮或狂飙换到D09c ? D09c 与高级别的省,国狂飙蓝海棉表现非常接近,相对而言D09c 较倾向弹性和速度,狂飙则更倾向控制和旋转。D09c 在这里比39度灌油的狂飙硬,所以大概是40-41度,击球质量很高。 虽然性能相近,但其手感略微不同。D09c还是附有一点蝴蝶套胶的感觉。我觉得可以看成蝴蝶公司这次成功研发出一款自家“蝴蝶版本的国狂蓝海棉了。” 假若你忠诚于狂飙的手感,也不觉得罐胶麻烦,那就应该继续使用狂飙。 但如果你希望在狂飙的性能之上增加一点弹性和速度,也不想每隔一段时间就要罐油,也不介意放弃一定要使用狂飙的信念,那可以尝试D09c。 将会很容易适应,适应后各方面的性能也都很优秀。 若果你一直以来使用涩性套胶,而想开始使用黏性套胶增加旋转,并可以放弃一点弹性。那D09c 将会非常适合。就像波尔,奥恰洛夫的正手由涩套改到黏套一样。D09c 将会给你提供很好的控制,旋转,力量,但其实速度不会减少太多。 |
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