Harimoto Innerforce Super ZLC review with Dignics 09c & Dignics 80 / 张本智和超级zlc 搭配D09c 和D80评测4/23/2020 Set up Forehand: D09c 2.1mm Backhand: D80 2.1mm Appearance
Performance Control: The blade is bouncy, to give very good speed, but it has very good feeling of control because of a few reasons. First, the feeling on contacting the ball is very stable because of the super ZLC. The sweet spot is big, even I hit near the edge, it still feels secure. The Super ZLC provides a very stable feeling, it helps in all aspects of the game, from short touches to far table, you feel the blade will react in a stable manner and it is strong and solid. Second, the limba surface provides a very good and soft feeling on touches. It provides clear and crisp feedback when you touch the ball. You are able to feel the spin and the contact of the ball more than using Viscaria. The limba has a similar feeling as on Harimoto ALC, Ma long 5 and Super Mizutani in terms of the surface. They have a good sense of control, nice softness and good grip of the ball from the Limba. Third, although the blade is fast and stiff, being an inner carbon structure, it still has a sense of softness on the surface, and you have more depth for the ball to sink in. This provides more control feeling than Super Mizutani. Also in small power, it is a softer bounce than Super Zhang Jike and Super Mizutani, and you have more wood feeling on its surface. However, being 6.2mm thick, with super zlc, the blade is still quite bouncy, I would recommend using less bouncy rubbers. But the blade itself has all the properties a blade needs to provide a very good sense of control, you just need to match the right rubber that suits you on this blade 控制 虽然超本速度快,弹性好,但它的控制感很好。首先,超级zlc 提供的感觉很稳定,甜区增大,就算打到甜区外仍然感觉很安全。无论是小球还是发力拉打,你都感觉的底板的回馈和反应是扎实和稳定的,令到你击球时很有信心。第二,淋巴面材提供柔和,清晰手感。比Viscaria 手感柔软,更能感受到与球的接触。淋巴的持球感也更优秀。第三,内置碳素的结构,使原本较硬的底板在表层有了更舒适的手感和更长的持球时间。但超本还是挺弹的板,可以在配胶上适当选择慢一点的胶。 ![]() Speed The speed of this blade is very fast and bouncy, more bouncy than Viscaria. It is a bit less bouncy than Super Zhang Jike, and being inner carbon, it processes a softer feeling. In attack, this speed is definitely fast and enough to finish the point. But because of the limba surface and inner carbon sturcutre, It is not as explosive or fast as the Super Zhang Jike. The bounce and speed comes from inside the core when you hit through the surface. In defence, the good bounce and speed, plus the feeling of the limba, help you a lot, it’s very easy to block. It creates deep arc and good speed. 速度 超本的速度是挺快和挺弹的。比Viscaria 蝴蝶王快和弹,但比超级张继科稍微慢一点点。这个速度在攻球或防守上都很好用。进攻时能一板解决对手,但不失控制感,球质也较重。防守时,像自动挡一样,放在那里就能借力防回去,弧线和速度都很适中。 Spin Thanks to the limba surface, the inner carbon structure and the super zlc, It is easy to generate spin with this blade. The quality and soft limba is just so friendly in gripping the ball, more than with koto surface on Super Zhang Jike. And being an inner carbon structure, the thicker wood surface allows the ball to sink into the blade more. Thus, it is easier to brush the ball. Also, I wouldn’t say super zlc is softer or harder than the alc, because it feels softer in touches, but has more crispy support in big power strokes. So I would say the super zlc feels like its a more refined carbon. It gives a sense of softness and refine for you to brush the ball. But the bend of the whole blade is not as much as you would find from Stiga Dynasty Carbon. That means super harimoto is stiffer, it is not as flexible as Dynasty Carbon. I find that this is common on many of the popular Butterfly blades players choose to use in the top level. They probably value the solid stiffness over flexibility to provide strong support, and then relying more on the rubbers and the partial bend of the blade to create spin. However, the blade is able to still generate a lot of spin in close table and in far table. 旋转 由于淋巴面材,内置碳素结构和超级纤维的关系,使得这个底板很好制造旋转。淋巴面材对持球和制造摩擦非常友好。比viscaria 和超级张继科的Koto 面材更友好。另外,在内置碳素结构下,表面两层的木层更为柔软,能吃球更深,更好制造摩擦。超级zlc 也是具有良好的旋转制造能力。虽然超级ZLC 大力量下感觉是比较硬韧,但它的感觉却比ALC更为细腻柔和,感觉更容易制造摩擦。但底板主要是局部变形来制造旋转,整体变形不如Stiga Dynasty Carbon. 但超本的旋转无论近台还是远台还是很强烈的。 Power Speaking of strong support from the super zlc, plus the the bigger head and the 6.2mm thickness, this blade has plenty of power. Far away from the table, you can trust the blade to deliver powerful loop drive. However, Unlike on Super ZJK, which you feel explosiveness when you hit on the surface. With Super Harimoto, you feel this power comes from deep inside of the blade. Also, the feel of power is different than Dynasty Carbon. The power of Super Harimoto is from the strong and quality materials used in the blade. The power of Dynasty Carbon is coming from the flexibility of the materials of the blade. 力量 超本的力量在超级纤维,加厚设计和加大板面的设计下,拥有充沛的力量。远台时,你能够很放心,底板的底劲有足够的支撑。但底劲的感觉与超级张继科有所不同。超级张继科更多是面材的支撑能使出球更暴力和更有爆炸力。超本的力量感来自底板内,而不是表层。与Stiga Dynasty carbon 相比,超本感觉比较硬挺,而Dynasty感觉变形更大,更有喷射的感觉。 Overall Conclusion
Overall, super Harimoto is a very balanced all rounded attacking blade that excels in all areas of the game, no obvious short coming. It is very controllable because of the limba surface, the inner carbon structure, and the Super ZLC. But the blade is still quite bouncy and fast, a slower rubber would help to reduce the bounciness if needed. The D09c I have on forehand would feel a bit too bouncy at times. D80 on backhand has been very good. Speed wise, it is good and suitable. In attacking, you can create quality shot to finish the game. And in defending game, it is very comfortable and easy to block it over with suitable speed and arc. The blade has a lot of spin. It is easy to generate spin with the soft limba surface and the inner carbon structure. The brushes feels comfortable and soft. Inner carbon structure allow the balls to sink in more before hitting the stiff Super ZLC. However, there isn’t as much flexibility as Stiga Dynasty Carbon. The blade has abundant power and support and powerful loop drives would have very high quality. The Super ZLC provides a lots of support in far table rallies. But Butterfly blades usually has less flexibility, so the feeling of ejecting the ball from the blade is less than it would be if using Dynasty Carbon. The only downside of this blade is the weight. Because of its thicker design and bigger head, the whole racket will weight more than usual, after putting rubbers on. And your fingers feel harder to insert power because of the thickness. However, you will get use to it after a few days. Despite many players like a 90g blade, I would recommend going down to 86g-88g if possible, unless you don't mind the weight. 总结 总的来说,超本是一块非常平衡,各方面性能都非常好的底板,没有明显缺陷。底板因为淋巴面材,内置碳素结构,和超级zlc,非常好控。但底板还是挺有速度和弹性的,若是感觉太弹可以配稍微慢一点的胶。我配的正手D09c小球有时候会感觉有点弹,反手D80 很好。速度无论在进攻和防守都很适合。进攻时具有一板结束的能力,防守时能轻松借力,控制速度和弧线。旋转通过柔和的淋巴面材和内置的结构,磨擦感很舒适,旋转很强。但底板以局部变形为主,整体变形不如Stiga Dyansty Carbon 那么多。力量和支撑非常足够,一板爆冲球质很高,球质甚至有点晃。远台超级zlc 给对拉的支撑硬挺,底劲很足。但由于蝴蝶底板的风格一向整体变形不大,喷射感少了一点。超本这款底板唯一要注意的是重量。由于加厚和加大的板面,底板尽管平均90克,但贴上的胶皮后会比小板面的底板更重。其加厚的设计,大拇指和食指在板面上感觉比平时更难发力。但习惯就好了。底板建议挑选86-88克较为合适。
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